Bryan Anthonys Jewelry


Named after co-founder Amber Glassman’s brother, whose young life was tragically taken due to a severe case of bacterial meningitis, Bryan Anthonys was founded on the verifiable truth of life’s fragility – we only have one life and time isn’t something that is guaranteed. The brand was created in honor of Bryan, with the hope of encouraging others to make their life and the lives around them meaningful.

The brand’s mission is to recognize that everyone has a beautiful and unique story to tell. Through Amber’s powerful writing and meaningful designs Bryan Anthonys inspires their community of customers to share their unique stories. They believe that sharing stories is the spark that ignites connection – when we share our stories we find ourselves within one another, helping us realize that we are not alone in our journeys.

Bryan Anthonys is not just a brand, it’s a lifestyle. A lifestyle that’s filled with passion, empowerment and authenticity. It’s living with no regrets. It’s giving life a meaning and making every moment count.

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