Luca & Danni


My childhood summers were spent in our family’s factory watching my father create beautiful, handcrafted jewelry. My brother Danny and I were amazed at how he could envision a piece before it was made, oftentimes seeing the finished product even before the sketches were complete. We find a lot of our inspiration in his factory and we love the ability to weave in part of that history in every piece that we handcraft at Luca + Danni


Life is about making difficult choices and the ones that have always served me best have been based on doing something based on a strong emotional connection. Cancer could take my brother but I wasn’t going to allow it to take his dream. So I left my job as an investment banker, relocated my family back to Rhode Island, and launched a company in his memory in the same factory that we ran around in as kids.  His passion comes through in everything we make and we wouldn’t have it any other way.


It means the world to me that you are here and on this journey with us and it would mean even more to Danny.  We are proud to carry on a deeply rooted family tradition and to handcraft jewelry that is uncompromised in its construction. We are Born In The USA and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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